Little Egg Tarts

I miss the egg tarts in my hometown. The crumbly pastry with the smooth yet creamy egg custard is just right to my taste. They said the "siew bao" is nice but I find their egg tarts is a winner. Anyway, I can't have it here so I've to make it myself. It's hardly get the same texture as the one I ate unless the owner of the shop give me the recipe which is definitely impossible. Well.... I refer back to the recipe of shortcrust pastry that I normally used and combine one of the egg fillings recipe from the website. I make it into small sizes by using a super small muffin pan that I bought from car boot sale. The shortcrust pastry was just nice but the texture of the egg fillings is not what I want. It's a bit firm and more like jelly type. I'm looking for the smooth, gooey and creamy one. One of the chef said, adding some evaporated milk would be nicer, may be I shall try it another time. If you've got any good recipe please let me know. I hunger for it!!
Anyway, my friend loves it so much and ask me to teach her to make this tarts. I purposely bake the pastry in light color rather than golden brown but the heating system of my oven makes some of it in light yellow color and some turn into dark brown color. That's very annoying! However, it mini size is a cutey. For ladies, you'll need two bites whereas it's just a mouthful for man!

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